Who We Are

Founded by Michelle and Atti in 2019, Always Able Pet Boarding Is a Dedicated Team of Pet Loving Caretakers, Based in Kew on the Mid North Coast in NSW.

Michelle and Atti have been working in the disability support industry for many years and continue to run their other business Always Able Disability Support Services. They both have a passion for helping people achieve their goals of independent living. Their love of animals and this unique property saw the formation of their new business Always Able Pet Boarding.

Hello! Meet the Owners

We Are Michelle & Atti

Pictured here with our daughter Anneleise who also works at Always Able Pet Boarding. We all have a love of animals and have many pets of our own including a horse. We had been searching for a property for a long time, when the Kennels on Kew came on the market. After the first viewing we knew this was the property for us.

Wish to Take a Trial?

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